The Old Homestead
Blue and purple clematis along the stairs to the back deck.
Our front flower bed.
The centerpiece of the front flowerbed is the witch hazel which is getting quite large.
Lots of flowers blooming.
Lilacs are in bloom and smell wonderful.
Our cutting garden got a dose of mulch and later this summer is getting a fresh coat of paint on the wall behind it.
Our black elderberry is jumping our of the ground in front of some of the daylillies.
A new planting of peonies is taking root between rhodadendrons, rose of sharon, daylillies, and a red hot poker.
The garden bench is almost taken over by purple clematis.
A new addition of clematis this year is already blooming.
The river birch is getting large enough to shade the deck.
Even the smaller river birch is growing like crazy.
The buckthorn bush is quickly becoming a buck thron tree.
New miniature roses grow along the wall in new beds put in this year.
One of my two plantings of bamboo adorn the patio gate.
The built-in bench is looking good framed with flowers.
Gnorm the gnome is still hanging around by some boxwoods.
Another bamboo planting.
More gnomes and more flowers with roses lurking above.
The rose bushes are preparaing to bloom and will probably reach 6' tall this year.
Lots of flowers adorn the area around the bird bath.
The flower bed along the back fence is even looking good.
The cherry tree had a nice bloom and is turning burgundy now.
Another boxwood and friends along the patio.
A nice seating area in front of the buckthorn tree.